How Gevenhout managed to combine Odoo tightly with a cutting-edge headless e-commerce system

On behalf of a client, GevenHout, a suitable headless ecommerce solution was sought after. Role players even submitted messages about the issue on a forum due to the difficulty in finding a solution. Luckily, we were!

Continue reading to learn more about the innovative VSF-Odoo connector system.

Regarding Gevenhout

For use outside, GevenHout provides wood to the Netherlands and Belgium. The brand is the pros’ partner. GevenHout’s business strategy is based on:

  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Service
  • ample supply

At the customer’s request, wood is planned. Each buyer receives a wonderful, fresh piece of wood as a consequence, which is typically tighter compared to wood that has been in stock for a while. Gevenhout gives each consumer the chance to buy a top-notch, one-of-a-kind wood product in this way.

The Problems

It was time to start looking for a website makeover, Gevenhout realized. The organization first required quicker loading times and better business customer service. They also desired the option of customized client portals and needed a higher mobile conversion. One company managed both sales and manufacture for their brand. To tackle the complex scenario, this called for a specific solution.

Additionally, Gevenhout B2B clients anticipate the same digital capabilities and experiences that they get as consumers. They also need a hassle-free website experience from the business.

Specific difficulties faced by Gevenhout’s project included:

  • Conversion on mobile devices underperformed.
  • Reliabioffering our clients, a client portal where they can view their orders and bills, manage their quotes, and monitor their quotes. It should provide some customization in the future. lity
  • Gevenhout desired the ability to provide sophisticated search in the future through a platform similar to Algolia or Meili search.

The Answer

For Gevenhout, the following elements were put together:

  • Odoo is a powerful platform that manages everything from manufacturing to marketing.
  • Top-tier website solution VueStoreFront Gevenhout can collaborate effectively with the complex organization and offer top-notch customer care on their new websites thanks to these two complementary technologies.

The Specifics

The Headless eCommerce digital solution Vue Storefront makes it simple to link your website to any back-end management platform you may be utilizing. It was linked toOdoo EE 14.0 for this project via a GraphQL API.

Gevenhout benefits from the best of both worlds because of the use of Odoo and VSF. VSF is a cutting-edge website system, to start. VSF is enhanced by Odoo since it is a reliable and adaptable solution. After all, Odoo can control a range of pertinent procedures, such as but not restricted to:

  • HRM \sManufacturing \sWarehouse \sPurchase \sSales \sCRM
  • The Internet
  • Email Advertising
  • Automation in Marketing

The advantages of the GraphQL API interface are among the steps in the Gevenhout project’s success. It facilitates interaction between frontend and backend developers, provides a thorough documentation system, and incorporates caching for improved efficiency.

The Outcome

Gevenhout now has a website with numerous advantageous effects thanks to a toolbox with a lot of power working together:

  • The website loads quite quickly.
  • It is bilingual
  • Both business-to-business and business-to-customer websites are of the same calibre and level of professionalism.
  • There are price ranges and a personalised checkout.
  • Advanced search and customised portals are still possible to develop.

These two published languages share the same code but are used on distinct websites:

  • Nederland (NL) Netherlands (NL): Germany (DE):

Project Particulars


eCommerce Vuestorefront without a head API connection for Odoo

Storyblok CMS Nuxt.js Framework Odoo EE 14.0


several languages

B2B stands for business-to-business, and B2C is for business-to-consumer.

personalized check out

Important Lessons from the Gevenhout Project by Bas Koenen, an expert in Odoo ERP

Because of my upbringing, I was aware of the significance of loading time. I realized that making a compromise would reduce the effectiveness of my future marketing efforts. Not the best foundation for a website that must endure for years! The underlying system must be extremely quick by design, yet an ERP system like Odoo struggles to meet this objective. Instead, VSF is merely a webpage object. The benefits of it include:

It is more concerned with providing clients with web pages.

It is more advanced

VSF reacts to web trends more quickly

The Function of ERPGAP

Because ERPGAP produced the free Odoo-VSF connector, we chose them. They provided favourable terms, and we were certain that we could work together to create the first production website using this innovative method.

The boldness was rewarded. We were able to see the team’s potential as soon as the project got underway. Everyone on the crew is incredibly talented. They have expertise in caching, Vue/Nuxt, Odoo, and a senior project manager who is very knowledgeable.

ERPGAP is an expert in creating sophisticated websites. Additionally, communication is excellent and highly effective as a result of the project management system. Even though we collaborate virtually, it feels like we are working side by side. The majority of the team members respond right away. We can reach them day and night if there are critical issues with the live website.

As a result,

It is obvious that several different factors must come together for this endeavor to succeed. They’re all essential, from the ideal team members to the special technologies and software.

Fortunately, more is now possible with software than you could imagine thanks to the extensive functionality of Odoo, the knowledge of ERPGAP, and the advantages of connecting to other technologies.

Speak to our staff if you require support with your next project.

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