What's New in Python in July 2023?

Python fans had a thrilling month of July 2023. Python 3.12 beta and Cython 3.0’s releases signalled important developments in the language. Notably, the announcement of a forthcoming no-GIL CPython version by the Python Steering Council sparked interest in improved performance. The Python Steering Foundation granted scholarships for online events encouraging idea sharing among developers, demonstrating the community’s attitude of cooperation. The fact that Python was a founding member of the Open Policy Alliance (OPA) further demonstrated its dedication to open-source software and community participation. These innovations demonstrated Python’s ongoing growth and its strong ecosystem.

Final Python 3.12 Beta is now available

If you’ve been following Python 3.12’s progress, you’ll be pleased with its new capabilities, which include support for Linux perf profiler, user-friendly f-strings, and enhanced error messages. Python 3.12.0b4 is the most recent final beta, however the stable release is scheduled for October. Python’s development is aided by testing this beta and reporting any problems. Although this beta has all the intended functionality, there may still be adjustments made before the stable version is released.

No-GIL Cython 3.0 is now available

Introduction to Cython: Cython is the answer if you love Python but desire the speed of compiled machine code like C or C++. It enables you to translate Python code into C or C++, providing you access to their speed while retaining Python’s simplicity.

Cython 3.0 Launch: This Python-C/C++ fusion is improved even further with the release of Cython 3.0. Years of development went into this version, beginning with the 2019 release of Python 3.8.

Key modifications in Cython 3.0:

  • No longer supported is Python 2.
  • Up to version 3.12 of Python features are supported.
  • Pure Python mode expansion is a significant improvement.
  • Exciting Pure Python Mode: In the past, to produce noticeably quicker code, you had to combine Python and C, which was difficult By improving the pure Python mode and removing this complication, the new Cython version makes this process simpler.
  • Test It Out Consult the documentation for Cython to find out more or to give it a go. With this new release, Python simplicity and C/C++ speed are combined to create the best of both worlds.

Python in Development

There will be a big shift for Python soon. The steering council announced the adoption of PEP 703, which intends to make the global interpreter lock (GIL) optional, on July 28.

The GIL, which limits executing just one thread at a time independent of your computer’s CPU cores, is now included in CPython’s default settings. PEP 703 emphasises the problems that might result from this, particularly for programmers in scientific computing and data research.

The presence of the GIL makes it difficult to utilise contemporary multi-core CPUs effectively for a variety of scientific and numerical computing workloads, which presents a significant problem for applications like neural networks and machine learning.

Sam Gross has overseen the GIL’s elimination. At the Python Language Summit in April 2022 and April 2023, he gave updates on the project’s development after introducing it in October 2021. In January 2023, PEP 703, which outlined the plan to eliminate the GIL, was created.

The transition to no-GIL Python becoming the de facto norm is being made deliberately cautiously, with a projected completion date of at least five years if everything goes according to plan. The steering committee and core developers will have more time to fully resolve any potential backward-compatibility issues thanks to this extended term.

Python in Development

The Python Community Open Policy Alliance has been formed.

The transition to no-GIL Python becoming the de facto norm is being made deliberately cautiously, with a projected completion date of at least five years if everything goes according to plan. The steering committee and core developers will have more time to fully resolve any potential backward-compatibility issues thanks to this extended term.

What Will Python Do Next?

With various new advancements in the Python community, exciting times are coming! The Python Steering Council sees a day when no-GIL Python becomes the standard, while the Open Policy Alliance (OPA) is expected to have an impact on open-source policy. Try Cython 3.0 for improved Python performance, and Python 3.12.0b4 for the most recent features.

Who knows? You may be included in a future issue of Python News if you manage to acquire funding for a virtual event! Do not be afraid to interact with other programmers in the comments area if you have lots of ideas or are seeking for partners. The Python community is focused on encouraging innovation and teamwork.

In conclusion, the recent developments in the Python programming landscape, including the exciting releases of Python 3.12 beta and Cython 3.0, along with the Python Steering Council’s plans for a no-GIL CPython version and the establishment of the Python Community Open Policy Alliance (OPA), highlight the continuous growth and innovation within the Python community. These strides signify Python’s commitment to improved performance, enhanced functionality, and open-source collaboration. As Python enthusiasts anticipate the forthcoming stable releases and the evolution towards a no-GIL Python standard, it’s an opportune moment to consider harnessing the potential of this dynamic ecosystem. If you’re looking to take advantage of Python’s capabilities, hiring a skilled Python developer can provide you with the expertise needed to explore these advancements and make the most of the language’s versatility.Get in touch with us today to embark on a journey of innovation and teamwork within the Python community.

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