Customized On-Demand Doctor App Development Services

Are you searching for customized on-demand doctor app development services? Look no further. Our trusted alliance company specializes in creating tailor-made solutions that empower patients to seamlessly connect with doctors through an innovative online platform. With our expertise and cutting-edge technology, we revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered.

  • Get your solution in two weeks.
  • Dedicated on-demand doctor App Developer team
  • 200+ Delivery Apps Are Now Available
  • Solutions that are completely customized
  • NDA signed with code security
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Create On-Demand Doctor Apps

With outstanding technological breakthroughs and the pandemic breakout, online doctor visits and consultations have become the most prevalent and convenient method of obtaining healthcare. People rely on On-Demand doctor mobile app services for everything from basic exams to medical crises.

We develop highly interactive white-label Doctor On-demand App Solutions at the most inexpensive costs as the leading On-demand Doctors App development business. Our highly skilled Doctor App Developers and engineers have more than ten years of experience providing completely customized Doctor On-demand Solutions for doctors, hospitals, and clinics.

Create On-Demand Doctor Apps

Experience Seamless Doctor Appointment App Management with the Help of Automation

We design custom doctor appointment apps to help doctors and healthcare providers stay connected with their patients through streamlined appointments.

Integrated Calendar

Integrated Calendar

The bespoke doctor appointment app's built-in calendar feature assists doctors and patients in easily managing their appointments.

Archival Information

Archival Information

Doctors can preserve patient information and previous health data for future reference.

Reminders for Appointments

Reminders for Appointments

With frequent reminders and alerts, the online medical appointment app ensures that patients and doctors never miss their appointments.

Consultations via video

Consultations via video

Patients can access video consultations in emergencies in addition to booking doctor visits.

Want to automate Doctor Consultations with on-demand Doctor App Solutions?

App For On-Demand Doctors for Numerous Users

We create comprehensive customized Doctor On-demand app solutions for clinics, doctors, and hospitals for virtual doctor consultations and appointments.


The pharmacy and laboratories have access to the patient-doctor medical records as well as other useful data.


The on-demand doctor app can be used by hospitals to provide online Telemedicine Services.


Doctors can give virtual consultations at any time and from any location, as well as manage and plan their online appointments.

Check out our Doctor-On-Demand App Service.

The need for On-Demand Doctor applications is steadily increasing. We are one of the leading On-Demand physicians app development businesses, creating and providing ready-to-use physicians apps as well as customized white-label On-Demand Doctors app solutions. Our apps are highly engaging, with the best video and audio communication features and functionality available.


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On Demand Doctor Apps

On Demand Doctor App Development Perks

The On-demand doctor app provides end-to-end features that allow users to interact with doctors when they are most needed. As a top on-demand doctor app development firm in India, we make healthcare more comfortable for patients.

App for Patients

Simple and user-friendly patient app that allows users to communicate with doctors at any time and from any location.

App for Patients
  1. Login

    Patients can use the app through their email, contact, or social media accounts.

  2. Doctors in the Area

    On the app, patients may search for doctors depending on their speciality and schedule consultations.

  3. Send a Request for Treatment

    Patients can use the app to send online consultations or treatment requests.

  4. in-App Purchases

    Patients can pay online using the app in a variety of ways, including credit/debit cards, wallets, and so on.

  5. Reviews and Ratings

    The app allows patients to rate their consultation experiences.

  6. Notifications through Push

    The app sends information about upcoming online doctor appointments.

App for Doctors

The dynamic doctor app centralizes patient consultations.

  1. Login to social media

    The doctors can access the app via their social media accounts.

  2. Requests for Treatment in Real Time

    On the app, doctors receive real-time virtual consultation requests.

  3. Availability of the Set

    On the app, doctors can indicate whether they are available or not.

  4. Profile

    Before consultations, patients can read complete profiles of the doctors, including their experience, specialty, location closeness, and so on.

  5. Chat within the app

    Doctors can issue prescriptions for patients or communicate with them via the in-app chat feature.

  6. Medical History

    The app allows clinicians to view the treatment history of any patient.

  7. Notifications through Push

    The doctors are notified of the booked appointments.

App for Doctors

Admin Console

On a single dashboard, a powerful admin panel allows you to manage doctors, patient profiles, and online consultations.

Admin Console
  1. Make Sub-Admins

    The administrator can delegate authority to sub-admins for assistance.

  2. Manage the Profiles of Doctors

    All doctor profiles and their activity can be tracked and managed by the Admin.

  3. Control Patient Profiles

    The administrator keeps a record of each patient's profile and data.

  4. Medical History

    The dashboard displays the treatment histories of all patients who have registered with the app.

  5. Accept Doctor Profile

    The app now includes verified doctor profiles. The administrator has the ability to check and approve the doctor's profile.

  6. Doctor/Patient Block

    Any unconfirmed doctor/patient profile, as well as any profile that violates the app's guidelines, can be blocked by the admin.

Factors Determining the Cost of Developing a Doctor Appointment App

Many factors influence the cost of establishing an On-demand Doctor application. App development platform, app complexity, functionality, design, and other aspects all contribute to the final cost. The anticipated cost for iOS or Android is between $35K and $65K. To find out the precise cost, schedule a free consultation now.

Complexity is one of the features.
Complexity is one of the features.

The app's features and functionalities, as well as their intricacy.

User Interface/UX Design
User Interface/UX Design

The expense of creating the app's frontend designs.

Platform for Apps
Platform for Apps

The platform on which you intend to build the app: Android, iOS, or web.

The Technology Employed
The Technology Employed

The technologies, frameworks, and APIs used in the app's development.

Integrations with Third Parties
Integrations with Third Parties

The added technologies involved to enhance the App Features and functionality.

Upkeep of the App
Upkeep of the App

Post-deployment costs for app maintenance or updating to new versions.

Hosting for Apps
Hosting for Apps

The pricing is determined on the sort of hosting services you select for your app.

App Safety
App Safety

The costs associated with app protection and security.

App Evaluation
App Evaluation

Expenses incurred while testing the app for bugs or technological issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

With over 8 years of industry experience, we have a thorough understanding of on-demand doctor app development. Our trusted alliance company's skilled on-demand app programmers are up to date on the latest technological advancements. You can expect high-quality doctor applications to be delivered on time.

We would love it if you could share specifics about your company plan, features you wish to include competition, target audience, and deadline. The more information you provide, the lower the likelihood of alterations and modifications. As a result, it will help you save money, time, and effort.

The on-demand doctor app's tech stack will differ depending on the app's complexity, functionality, third-party integration, and so on. Our technology stack is as follows:

  • Front-end development tools include Angular and ReactJS.
  • Node.js and PHP are used for back-end development.
  • Java for Android, Swift for iOS
  • Braintree, PayPal, and Stripe are the payment methods available.
  • Push notifications are provided by and Twilio.
  • Twilio provides in-app calls and messaging.
  • Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure are examples of cloud environments.

The online doctor app can assist a variety of stakeholders, including:

  • Patients
  • Doctors
  • Hospitals
  • Clinics for the wealthy