
August 23 - 24

All Your Business On One Platform.

Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days

  • Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days
  • Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days
  • Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days
  • Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days
  • Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days
  • Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days
  • Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days
  • Glimpse of 2023 Odoo Community Days

Our Services

Odoo Consultancy

Odoo Consultancy

Empowering Your Business, Enhancing Your Operations with Odoo Consultancy.

Odoo Implementation

Odoo Implementation

Streamline Your Business, Customize Your Solutions with Odoo Implementation.

Odoo Migration

Odoo Migration

Glide into Greater Efficiency with Odoo Migration: Seamless Data Transfer.

Odoo Training

Odoo Training

Discover the Power of Odoo with Expert Training: Transforming Your Business.

Odoo Integration

Odoo Integration

Seamlessly integrate Odoo: Unify your business systems for optimal efficiency.

Odoo Hosting

Odoo Hosting

Unleash your business with Odoo Hosting: Secure, Scalable, Superior.

Meet Us

The Wanbuffer Advantages


Expertise Across Industries

Wan Buffer has extensive experience working with diverse industries, including manufacturing, retail, finance, and healthcare.


Comprehensive Service Offerings

Offering custom software development, IT consulting, and support, they simplify vendor management and streamline project execution.


Customer-Centric Approach

Wan Buffer prioritizes customer satisfaction with personalized service, dedicated support, and tailored solutions for measurable results.


Innovative Solutions

Wan Buffer offers innovative solutions with the latest tech trends, ensuring clients benefit from cutting-edge efficiency and competitiveness.


Scalable And Flexible Services

Wan Buffer's scalable services and flexible engagement models adapt to business growth, offering tailored support to meet client needs.


Strong Focus On Quality

Wan Buffer ensures top-notch quality in all services with meticulous execution and attention to detail, reflecting their commitment to excellence.

The Wanbuffer Advantages


Wan Buffer has extensive experience working with diverse industries, including manufacturing, retail, finance, and healthcare.


They offer a wide range of services, from custom software development to IT consulting and support. This all-in-one approach simplifies the process of managing multiple vendors and streamlines project execution.


Wan Buffer prioritizes customer satisfaction through personalized service and dedicated support. Their team works closely with clients to understand their goals and deliver solutions that drive measurable results.


Wan Buffer stays at the forefront of technology trends, offering innovative solutions that leverage the latest advancements. This ensures that clients benefit from cutting-edge technologies and practices that enhance efficiency and competitiveness.


Their services are designed to be scalable, accommodating the growth and evolving needs of businesses. Flexible engagement models allow clients to choose the level of support and involvement that best suits their requirements.


They maintain rigorous quality standards across all their services, ensuring the highest level of excellence. Their commitment to quality is evident in their meticulous project execution and attention to detail.

Let's Get Started

Ready to deep into the world next
level odoo ERP Solution.

Smart Class

Smartclass - Odoo Web Framework

Get the background knowledge and skills necessary to work on the Odoo Javascript codebase.

Location: Seminar Hall 2, Ground Floor, Mahatma Mandir - 8/21/24, 9:00 AM - 8/21/24, 6:00 PM (Asia/Kolkata) (9 hours)

odoo web framework

Smartclass - Advanced Inventory

Learn how to use the Purchase, Inventory and Barcode apps to their full potential.

Location: Seminar Hall 1, Ground Floor, Mahatma Mandir - 8/21/24, 9:00 AM - 8/21/24, 6:00 PM (Asia/Kolkata) (9 hours)

advanced inventory

Smartclass Devs - Build an App in 2 days

Designed to provide participants with hands-on experience in developing a multi-faceted app using the Odoo framework.

Location: Seminar Hall 3, First Floor, Mahatma Mandir - 8/21/24, 9:00 AM - 8/21/24, 6:00 PM (Asia/Kolkata) (9 hours)

build an app

Smartclass - Advanced India Accounting

Get an in-depth understanding of accounting principles and practices Short description.

Location: Seminar Hall 4, First Floor, Mahatma Mandir - 8/22/24, 9:00 AM - 8/22/24, 6:00 PM (Asia/Kolkata) (9 hours)

advanced india accounting